Making Website Magic

All About Discovery Calls

Sam Muñoz & Karyn Paige Season 1 Episode 4

Discovery calls are an opportunity to get to know your client and motivate them to take the next step in working with you. That’s why episode 4 of MAKING WEBSITE MAGIC is about discovery calls!

Apply today to join the Making Website Magic School of Business. Are you consistently booking dream clients, or are you saying “yes” to anyone because so few opportunities are coming your way? Believe it or not, you CAN have a thriving web design & dev business where you consistently work with aligned clients who actually pay you well. 

 In this episode of Making Website Magic, Sam & Karyn are sharing the importance of discovery calls and actionable steps you can take right now to get over your fear and start implementing this successful strategy into your business. 

Here are just a few of the things we discuss during this episode:

  • Discovery calls are not sales calls; they are meant for you to listen, get information and see if you and the client are the right fit for one another.  
  • How building that one-to-one connection with your client from the very beginning results in committed and excited clients. 
  • Busy work vs. profitable work, what tasks you can cut out to make space to interact with your potential clients. 
  • The 3 goals every business owner should use to drive their discovery calls with clients.

Discovery calls are where the money is. They are where you’re going to make those personal connections with clients and find the clients YOU want to work with. Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive empowerment to step boldly into your web design business and to hear even more about the points outlined above.

Thank you for listening!

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag us!  And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell us your key takeaways!


Instagram - Sam Muñoz

Instagram - Karyn Paige

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Making Website Magic School of Business